Our Services

Amending returns is a distinctive feature for Bonnet Hamilton CPAs. (Read more about our FREE three-year review!) You may find yourself needing to amend a previous return if you:

  • Experienced a change in filing status, income, deductions, or credits.
  • Realized you made a mistake in reporting.
  • Found additional deductions you would like to apply.

Amended returns cannot be e-filed and require paper submission. Let us handle the hassle for you. If you find yourself needing to report income from multiple states, we can help you navigate the additional forms and computations for you too.

The key to operating a successful business is regularly evaluating your expenses and income. If you find yourself short on time or frustrated by the tedious work required, Bonnet Hamilton CPAs can do the work for you.

  • Quarterly or Annual Financial Statements
  • Profit + Loss Reports
  • Balance Sheets
  • Bank Reconciliation

Bonnet Hamilton CPAs work with a variety of businesses in order to analyze profit and loss margins, minimize income tax obligations, and provide strategic planning. A multi-year review is performed to ensure appropriate recommendations for each business with which we partner.

Contact us if you’re a:

  • Corporation (C-Corp, S-Corp)
  • Partnership
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Sole Proprietorship
  • Interested in starting a business

Do you know what will happen to your money when you die? It’s a blunt question, but one that deserves serious consideration. Bonnet Hamilton CPAs will provide proper tax solutions to minimize the tax burden on your survivors based on your estate goals.

Do you ever find yourself wondering if you missed a deduction or incorrectly completed a form? At Bonnet Hamilton CPAs, we put your worries at ease. Our goal is to help you minimize your future tax liability by combining our knowledge of ever-changing tax legislation and your personal financial situation at the federal, state, and local levels.

When you receive a certified letter from the IRS, your first reaction may be panic, particularly if you’re unclear about the purpose and required actions of the letter. Instead of panicking, experience the relief of having someone in your corner. Bonnet Hamilton CPAs have the experience of partnering with clients to navigate a successful path through tax court, appeals, and audits. Should you find yourself in need, contact our office immediately.

Protection Plus is our premier partner for tax audit defense and identity theft restoration. If you receive a tax notice from the state or IRS, you can rest assured that you’ll have an experienced team on your side.

Behind in filing your returns? Not sure what to do with the IRS letters? See Bonnet Hamilton CPAs to get caught up and out of the red tape.

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